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Title [INFO]Difference between original & recast doll
Posted by LUTS DOLL (ip:)
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  • Date 2019-03-22 20:11:18
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Thank you for loving LUTS always.

Today, we prepared post to tell you the difference between official LUTS dolls & recast copying our dolls.
Recently, many recast dolls are being sold in worldwide, which makes BJD artists hurt. The recast sellers want only money, not caring people who purchase the recast dolls and original artists.

Thankfully, a customer who purchased recast and official LUTS doll made detailed review about the difference of the dolls, so we share the post. We think this post would help the people who may purchase the wrong doll and someone with wrong information.

Currently the recast sellers are selling the recast telling that the recast is their original designed dolls & there is no legal problem. However, it is false obviously.

All copyright of this post reserves to ‘Mai’.
( )

Left : Recast
Right : Original LUTS doll
They seem identical obviously, but the seller says the left doll is Chinese original designed doll.
The doll becomes small when the urethane is shrunk when the doll is copied. The height is smaller, specially limbs become thinner than original.
Color is also strange. We LUTS do not produce such colored doll – which is very murky pink color. The original LUTS doll is produced with specific colors only, but the recast doll makers would not know the color rate, so they would try to follow the color seeing our doll.

The head cap is from recast and the face part is from original doll.
The recast sellers tell the doll is their own designed one, but the cutting line of the head cap is perfectly matched.

Each BJD companies have their own head parts cutting line shape. Therefore, it is impossible to match the head cap part and head(face) part from different companies. However, surprisingly, they match, which is one of the proof that the recast doll copied LUTS doll.

The logo is carved inside the doll. They tried to smudge it, but the logo indicates ‘LUTS’ clearly. Of course, original LUTS logo is much clearer on different position though.
While the doll is copied and shrunk, the recast doll’s waist part couldn’t pose well, so they modified the shape and added LUTS logo. Due to the careless modification, the recast doll can’t pose well.
The recast sellers told that they sell original design doll. They could see the logo inside selling them, but we can’t believe that they tell the customers that the recast product has no problem about copyright.
Not only on the body, we can discover that the logos inside the head.

Let’s check the finishing condition comparing with the original & recast ankle. The recast one has the messy refinement, which could cut the fingers. Because the urethane is thin, it is very easy to be broken too. It is pity that if someone think the doll is original taking the recast dolls. We, LUTS, never refines our dolls like that.

After the customer (Mai) receive and unpack the doll, powders remained. Every time the doll is moved, the powers are fallen out. This is just what we can see, we think there will be more invisible powders. They can be inhaled into the recast owners’ lung.

As soon as the recast doll was unpacked, the air purifier worked. The customer felt uncomfortable and smelled strange chemical odor, even though she knew the doll was recast one. In fact, we received few calls telling ‘child feels itch after touching dolls’ ‘smells bad’ ‘sore eyes and throat’, and they were revealed as about the recast dolls. The customers said they didn’t know the dolls were recast because the seller states the dolls are original and they bought the dolls with cheap price. However, unfortunately, we could not help the customers.

The recaster and sellers have fault to deceive the customers. When the customers ask about the originally, they remove the post or even threat the customer to sue as obstruction of business. It does not make sense at all, they do not have right to threat customer.

The sellers would receive a lot of messages from original owners and the report about the recast, but they would sell the dolls. STOP SELLING THE RECAST. You earn money with illegal product, stealing the doll designer’s talent and hurting the doll fan’s heart and body.

Now we have enough evident to make law action. We will not compromise on this situation.

Please consider buying the recast again.
Recast dolls are easy to be broken, have bad refinement and even leave powders. It is OK because they are cheap?
The doll can’t be fixed even when they are broken. No one will take the responsibility about A/S. the price would not be cheap considering all things.

LUTS dolls can be sold only through official website / official eBay store / official dealers. The rest of LUTS product are all recast.

(official online stores :
official dealers list :

Also please remember that all event & membership benefit for owners can be offered for ‘original LUTS doll owners’ only.

Thank you for your time reading this post, please share and tell your friend about this problem!

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